ACRE Property Consultants

Qualifying as a full-status Estate agent in 2000 has given Mike Castle 23 years of property sales and rental experience way before the property boom, during, and after.

Mike has seen and experienced many ups and downs within the property market and one thing according to him is for certain: “Real estate still has and will always seem to be the best sound investment as proven over the decades. As an investor, it’s not where and what you buy, it’s about seeing that opportunity and buying right!”

His passion has grown year on year and after he had broadened all experiences and boundaries selling international property for 5 years based in the United Kingdom, this was a calling that could not be ignored. This opportunity gave Mike many lifestyle properties to get involved in mainly Jack Nicolaus Designed Golfing Estates in Spain named Polaris World.

Mike received a great level of experience in learning the international ways of property marketing and bringing them back into the South African Market on his return gave the business the winning edge.

“I do not take on more stock than what I can personally handle in offering my personal attention and my commitment to keeping both sellers’ and purchasers’ interest at heart has continued to provide my business with continual referrals through very satisfied customers year on year.”

One thing that’s most definitely for sure and proven is the statement that Mike believes firmly in. That statement is “It’s not the size of the agency that makes a great agent! It’s the size and attitude of the agent that makes a great Agency!”.